Hello, my name is Kyaw Yeah. I am 19 years old, I came from Karen State, and then I came to Grace Garden. I am learning about Sustainability at BGET and Grace Garden. We learned about small scale hydropower, and how to build it. First we learned how to find the place that we wanted to create hydropower. We measured the height to the river, we had to measure it twice. We measured the water using the bucket method. We measured with the bucket method three times and after that was finished we measured with the float the method also three times. This lets us calculate how much hydropower we can have. Using electric wires you then connect this it your village. Be careful do not let the machinery get wet. If it gets wet the machinery might stop working.
First we measured the head diffrence with trigonometry. We measured the angle and distance then calculaed height (head). Then we need to measure float method again. If you want to have hydropower you can try it. Let’s try to do it. These are for the villages, but you can use it everywhere. When you will try to make hydropower if you do not have a waterfall, it will be a hard, but if you have land with a waterfall its so easy to make. After that’s finished you will have fun, because you will get electricpower. If you have a large dynometer, you can make enough for every house in your village. When our teacher, Ponchai taught this in class I liked most the parts about hydropower, dynometers and micro-hydro-power. We studied a lot of the words from the hydropower class. We drew the pictures, how to do it and how to make it. I like to learn and study new things. When I heard about hydropower I was very interested. Usually we learn and study at Grace Garden, but this time we went to look at one. This way you will learn quickly. I was very interested to learn about dams and water. We visited a hydropower system for only one house. I like hydropower the most but this was the first time I learned it. When the teacher explained about hydropower I was wanted to see one.
Learning in Class
Our teacher said if you want to learn the best, you have to study 6 years, to be a hydrological engineer. If you want to be an engineer you can try it. I will try, I think I will make one in my village, because in my village they don’t have electricity. I will help them to make it. Before I make it for them I have to teach them and I have to explain to them about how we will get electricpower. When I am finished I will go back and I will try so hard to make one hydropower system. We can use it for years. I will help my community to get electric into the village. Then next generation can use it too! In my village we have a river, but no one knows how to do it. Because I wanted to learn this I came to learn at Grace Garden. In my village when we have electripower, my village people will be happy. I came here to Grace Garden and BGET with the purpose to help my community. They will need hydropower, I will show them about it. Maybe we can try one at Grace Garden when it is rainy season.
My friends said when we looked at this multimeter in the middle of waterfall, “very nice, because we saw and it was amazing”
Also my friend “said they made this hydropower before very interesting, so wonderful, we should try it”
Remember that Everything is possible. You can do anything you want, Everyone can do it, but carefully.!!
Thanks you so much for reading my blog post. I think after you read these you will have fun!! Blessing to everybody.
You are very smart when you know it.
Thank you everyone!!!
This post was written by Kyaw Yeah.